1.10.06 + + + D.I.Y. Video + + + |
A 13 minute flashback of the things which did happen at the D.I.Y. - Festival

VideoLink |
10.08.06 + + + The flying glove! + + + |
Thanx for all the people which have been there. Dont forget to join us at the "Volksküche" in the city every wednesday!!!
30.07.06 + + + Pictures + + + |
Please check out the News on indymedia! more (no comment)
(action without any police)  (Picture from the Truckralley.)
28.07.06 + + + Grether Meeting + + + |
Come to Grether at 13:30!NO RIOTS! |
28.07.06 + + + Next Concerts + + + |
The Concerts will not take place at KTS. |
28.07.06 + + + Police Repression + + + |

heavy police provocation tonight. A guz was arrested after spraying. Thing is, this was very close to KTS and quicklz 60/80 convention people started blockading the cop/car. Under stone and bottle rain the police managed to take away the arresed person after getting about 30 cops together. The standing off lasted 10/15 minutes. They had two dogs and will probably get more forces together. At the moment people think about possible reaction. Come and support! More Information on indymedia: indi_1 indi_2indi_3_english |
27.07.06 + + + Workshops... + + + |
  Seems to be that everything is easy. The Police come sometimes and gives us some conditions we have to fullfill. But up to now it was no problem.
Please be carefull with fire, it is very dry.
Today and also Tomorrow there are a lot of realy good workshops (as you can see on the picture).
Thanks to all the people which are just helping and make this festival what it is.The traffic is red. But when we all go it will turn green. |
26.07.06 + + + Actionarea is getting full with people + + + |
26.07.06 + + + Follow the Rabbits + + + |
 Welcome to these bicycle drivers (30 people I guess) which did come from Zurich (CH) and of course to all the people which are hourly coming. The Actionplace is getting more full. TAKE IT EASY When not all is function as fast as you want. Do it yourself. Take care, there are rabbits on the street. |
25.07.06 + + + Welcome to our first guests which did arrive. + + + |
woaahh... it is moving and everything is in process. There is this fresh new spirit in the air. I think it is called CHANGE... |
24.07.06 + + + Hot Hot Hot - take enough water with you - Preparations+ + + |
19.07.06 + + + Regards to Hamburgs RTS - We fight with you + + + |
RTS Hamburg
RTS Freiburg 29. Juli. 2006 1400h CITYCENTER |
18.07.06 + + + Server Problems + + + |
Yesterday our Server was out of order. Hopefully the Internetpage will now work better. We try out everything out to let you be able to get all the usefull informations via Internet.
stay tuned... |
17.07.06 |
11.07.06 |
The d.i.y. is on it's way: Millions of people from all over the galaxies promissed to come. So we need some help from you, who come:
Please bring tents in every possible size (smaller than 1000 meters long and 500 meters wide, because our campground isn't that big),
and bring the know-how to build composting-toilets
Bringt Zelte, Gemeinschaftszelte und das Know-How um Kompst-Toiletten zu bauen mit.
Tiendas de Campa n a. |
26.06.06 |
A first newsletter is avaible in different languages:
English Version Deutsche Version Version francaise Versión Español
There will be two more d.i.y.-soliparties the first will be on june 30th and the second will be on july 14th both in the KTS, Freiburg
If you have time, power, a place or a street please feel free to do any d.iy.-supporting action you like to, and if you want, ask for support from us!
There will also be a direct-action-workshop in freiburg from june 30th until july 3rd. more details... |
19.04.06 + + + Posters & Stickers + + + |
Our beautiful posters are printed! Some of you will find them in their mail box the following days.
Today is one of the greatest day in all our lifes, our website finally works!
This site should be used as a platform for all of you who want to know some more about the D.I.Y. convention in July. We're sorry we can't give you any concrete program info yet, but we will update the site as soon as we know something for sure. So check out regularly!
D.i.y. or die!! |